شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية :: محمد بن موسى الشريف (Eng subtitles)

Because I know of no other deed that brings people closer to Allah…


A man came to Ibn Abbas (ra) and said, “I asked for a women’s hand in marriage, and she refused me. Someone else asked for her hand and she accepted and married him. I felt jealous so I killed her. Will my repentance be accepted?”

Ibn Abbas (ra) asked, “Is your mother still alive?”

He said, “No.”

So Ibn Abbas (ra) told him, “Repent to Allah and do your best to draw close to Him.”

Then Ataa’ ibn Yasaar (ra) who over heard their conversation asked, “why did you ask him if his mother was still alive?”

Ibn Abbas (ra) said, “Because I know of no other deed that brings people closer to Allah than kind treatment and respect towards one’s mother.”

[ Bukhari, Al-Adab al-Mufrad, 1/45 baab birr al-umm.]

US warns Wikileaks’ Assange on possible leak

US warns Wikileaks’ Assange on possible leak

The US has written to the founder of whistleblower site Wikileaks, Julian Assange, requesting him not to release a cache of diplomatic files.

The release of classified State Department documents is against US law and will put “countless” lives at risk, the letter warns.

Wikileaks says it is set to unveil a new set of documents, bigger than past releases on Afghanistan and Iraq.

Mr Assange has said the US authorities are afraid of being held to account.

The latest leak is expected to include documents covering US dealings and diplomats’ confidential views of countries including Australia, Britain, Canada, Israel, Russia and Turkey.

The letter from the US state department’s legal advisor Harold Koh was a response to correspondence from Mr Assange, who had written to the US ambassador to Britain, Louis Susman.

Mr Assange had asked which individuals would be put at risk due to the leak, the State Department said.

A senior American official told the BBC that Mr Assange was offering to negotiate over limited redactions.

In response, Mr Koh demanded that Wikileaks return official documents to the US government.

“We will not engage in a negotiation regarding the further release or dissemination of illegally obtained US government classified materials,” Mr Koh stated in the letter.
‘Seven times larger’

Mr Koh’s letter adds that the publication of the documents would endanger the lives of “countless” individuals – from journalists to human rights activists and bloggers – and put US military operations at risk.

Correspondents say the letter is a rare move for the US administration, and reflects the government’s concern about the implications of the possible leak.

Wikileaks earlier this week that the next release would be nearly seven times larger than the nearly 400,000 Pentagon documents related to the Iraq war it published in October.

It has not confirmed when the documents will be made public, but there is some speculation that the release will take place on Sunday.

Analysts say the US and its allies have the potential to be embarrassed by the publication of candid assessments of foreign governments by its officials.

The British media said its government was bracing for the release, with the Sunday Times quoting an official who warned that British citizens in Muslim countries could be targeted in a backlash against perceived “anti-Islamic” views.

The UK Ministry of Defence has urged newspaper editors to “bear in mind” the national security implications of publishing any of the files.

The US government has already briefed a number of foreign governments, including the UK, about the issue.

Wikileaks argues that the site’s previous releases shed light on the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. They included allegations of torture by Iraqi forces and reports that suggested 15,000 additional civilian deaths in Iraq.

Riz Khan – The last US combat forces in Iraq

So it is most fitting for Umar to listen to her….


Qatadah says:

Umar came out from the masjid and with him was al-Jarud al-Abdi. There was a woman on the main road. Umar greeted her. She answered (his greeting) and (then) said: Be off, O Umar! I have seen you (when you were) called Umayr (lttle Umar) in the marketplace of Ukaz, tending the sheep with your stick. Then the days passed and you were called Umar. Then the days passed and (now) you are called Commander of the Believers. So, be wary of God in respect of the subjects (whom you govern). And she continued advising him. Then al-Jarud said: Woman, you have said a lot to the Commander of the Believers. Umar said: Let her be. Do you not know her? This is Khawlah bint Hakim, the wife of Ubayd ibn al-Samit, whose word was heard by Allah from above the seven heavens.*

So it is most fitting for Umar to listen to her.

Ibn Abd al-Barr, al-Isti’ab

*The Caliph is here alluding to the sending down of the opening verses of al-Mujadalah

Another useful website


Very useful Website: http://as-salaf.com/index.php?lang=en

How hard it was for them to utter those words…

ما أخطأني ابن مسعود عشية خميس إلا أتيته فيه قال فما سمعته يقول بشيء قط قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فلما كان ذات عشية قال قال رسول الله قال صلى الله عليه وسلم فنكس قال فنظرت إليه فهو
قائم محللة أزرار قميصه قد اغرورقت عيناه وانتفخت أوداجه قال أو دون ذلك أو فوق ذلك أو قريبا من ذلك أو شبيها بذلك

‘Amr bin Maimun said: “I used to visit Ibn Mas’ud every thrusday afternoon, but he never uttered the words:

“The messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said.” Then one evening, he said: ‘Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه و سلم) said then he let his head hang down.” He said: “I looked at him and saw that his shirt was unfastened; his eyes were filled with tears, and his veins were bulging out (With fear). He said: ‘Or more than that, or less than that, or close to that, or something similar.”

Ibn Majah.


In the footnotes it says.

That Ibn Mas’ud would have weekly sessions every thursday at his house. Then a man said to him,

“I wish that you would teach us everyday.” He said, “What prevents me from doing so is the fact that I would hate to bore you. I show consideration towards you by choosing a suitable time to teach you, just as the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) used to do with us, for fear of making us bored.” (Bukhari)

Learn the Difference Between “Than” and “Then”



Unlike then, than is not related to time. Than is used in comparative statements.


~Another pair of words that I see misused far more often
than not is than and then.
~He is taller than I am.
~Other than the interest on a small inheritance, he had no income.
~Today’s students certainly do seem to read less than students in previous generations did.
~We learned more on the playground than we did in the classroom.
~Despite their lack of flavor, the hothouse tomatoes cost far more than those from the farmers’ market.


Then is used either as a time marker or with a sequence of events.


~I took all of the exams in the morning, and then I spent the rest of the day catching up on sleep.
~Back then we knew what was expected of us.
~I bought apples from this orchard last summer, but I seem to remember paying more for them then.
~Look over the study guide first, and then if you still have questions bring them up in class.


Punishment of the Grave by Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq

British Schools, Islamic Rules


Watch the Link.


iERA Responds to the “British Schools, Islamic Rules” Panorama Programme

London, 23rd November 2010

On the 22nd November 2010 the BBC aired a Panorama programme entitled “British Schools, Islamic Rules”. This programme aimed to investigate the “disturbing evidence” that some Muslim schools were providing a platform to “extremist preachers” and “fundamentalist Islamic groups”. The programme also attempted to “expose” the extreme, anti-Semitic and homophobic material found within the curriculum of some Islamic schools.

In short, the programme misrepresented established Islamic teachings on a range of issues in a manner that portrayed them as crude and insensitive whilst linking them to social unrest and violence.

In a statement by Saqib Sattar, Vice-Chairman of the Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA), he said “The attack on Muslim schools as an institution is both ill-informed and misguided. Muslim schools constantly achieve high academic standards with students continuously becoming highly responsible members of society, contributing positively to the public good. No ‘hard’ evidence has ever been presented otherwise. Muslim Schools have excelled in this regard, due in no small part to their ethos which is rooted in the Islamic scholarly tradition which provides an objective and cohesive basis for social values and norms, something which we find lacking in our increasingly secular society. The irony is that most of our social ills stem from the failure of state schools and society at large to provide such grounding, leading ever more conscientious parents to choose private or faith schools for their children’s secondary education. Faith schools and communities are providing that important moral voice for our society, making their presence felt through social welfare projects across the country. The contribution of faith communities should actually be championed and not maligned.”

The BBC has shown that it does not have the ability to convey the reality of the Islamic tradition. iERA condemns such irresponsible and sensationalist programmes. It is obvious that this Panorama programme has been designed to attract viewers without engaging their minds.

Hamza Andreas Tzortzis, iERA’s media representative said, “The attack on mainstream Islamic speakers because they hold established theological views is making the job of community cohesion difficult, as is the constant misconstruing or lack of context with regards to their statements. The programme-makers would have been better served to look deeply into the Islamic scholarly tradition and its historical impact, and they would have found a beautiful model of community cohesion. For example it is a well known historical fact that Islam and Muslims for centuries have been offering protection to the Jewish community. A contemporary Jewish Historian Zion Zohar for instance has written that Jews used to see Muslims as liberators from Christian persecution. There is a whole corpus of historical and theological material that strongly indicates conclusions that contrast with the content of the Panorama programme. Another example includes the Jewish Historian Amnon Cohen who writes that Jewish people, particularly women, used to go to Islamic authorities for adjudication of disputes even though they were always given the option to go to Rabbinical courts.

The reality that Islam has ensured security and peace for the Jewish people is not a historical accident, it is engrained in the Islamic traditional sources. For instance the Prophet Muhammad (peace & blessing be upon Him) said that ‘whoever harms a non-Muslim harms me’. Additionally the Qur’an, the holy book of the Muslims, states in its 60th chapter ‘And He does not forbid you to deal kindly and justly with anyone who has not fought you for your faith or driven you out of your homes: God loves the just”. The difference between political confrontation and communal engagement has always been clear in the Islamic tradition. It is very surprising that the BBC ignored this fact, and shows once again that it has prioritised sensationalism over substance.

For many Muslims, Islamic law is an important part of their lives. Islamic law covers politics, economics, criminal law, business, contracts, family life, hygiene, social issues and many more. There are similarities with Western secular law in terms of the rights it gives and the principles and values that it upholds. To reduce Islamic law to criminal punishments is a caricature of a comprehensive legal and social framework.”

Sattar further adds “The decontextualised references to cutting the hand of the thief and other criminal punishments in the programme are the equivalent of claiming that British law is unjust because it has short sentences for rapists without even taking into consideration the social and jurisprudential context of the British legal system. For example, Professor of Law at Harvard University Noah Feldman has tried to educate the west on Islamic punishments. He states “Today, when we invoke the harsh punishments prescribed by Shariah [Islamic law] for a handful of offences, we rarely acknowledge the high standards of proof necessary for their implementation.”

To warmly articulate the Islamic worldview and demystify the negative image this programme attempted to paint of Islam and Muslims, iERA will be distributing their new CD “Another View” and a leaflet clarifying the BBC’s misconceptions across the UK, and also on the morning of Monday 29th December 2010 outside the BBC Headquarters with specific educational packs for the programme makers.



Notes to the Editors:
1. iERA stands for the Islamic Education and Research Academy
2. iERA is committed to presenting Islam to the wider society, iERA – Islamic Education and Research Academy.
3. iERA will distribute the CD’s and the leaflets at stalls and various outlets in the UK.
4. The distribution at the BBC will happen on Monday 29th November from 7:30am until 10:00am.
5. To contact our media team please email media@iera.org.uk.
6. iERA is a registered UK charity in the United Kingdom, number 1134566.

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh


I pray that you are well and in the best of Iman.


Please go and check this website out that has been initialized in defense of Shaykh Riyadh ul Haq responding to the Panorama program. Forward it to others and make them aware of it. Follow up the actions mentioned at the bottom of the page. Let us all come together in doing our part in eradicating injustice ,impartiality and false allegations leveled against Shaykh.






Jazakumullahu khairan.


Request your duas.


Wassalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh



Mohammed Aminur Rashid

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